Sunday, February 25, 2007

3 Bumps On Stomach Area

yattaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SENSEI SUZUKI answered my EM MAIL SENT THE ADJUSTMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sn super hyper happy, I'm going to change and prepare for all m and after watching a episode of hana yori dango, to sweeten still + life before going to work!
Tomorrow I go to Venice to deliver the term paper !!!!!! Ahhh relief ke !!!!!! I lost 10 pounds!! Maybe !!!!! Hello hello

kon kon

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Uti , Brown Discharge, Pregnant

first steps ...

\u0026lt;img src = "" width = "100" height = "100" border = '0 I moved my first steps in my live journal! Ahh what a satisfaction to be able to understand!! Lalla Sorry, Linda, if I'm wrong yesterday, I knew that ke nn I do, I tried .. X Thank you adjust everything !!!!! Yesterday was a day just full, sn returned home half-destroyed, but happy, having seen x Lally, Laura and everyone else and for being filled, new, dorama !!!!!!!!!! ^ - ^ I did the pc ke overflowed, this morning where x, x First, sn went to buy blank DVDs, then I mastered and released on my PC!! Is still working gigio poor ..! Tonight I start watching a new dorama, sn a bit 'undecided, as I have for the spoiled for choice! I'm still waiting for the response of the Suzuki ... nn I hope to have completely trashed my dissertation .... x m which touches deliver Monday ... right to the end ... xkè reduces me to last forever?! ç_ç Hello, kon kon!

Anthropometrics For A Coffee Table

lara8 @ 2007-02-22T09: 15:00

THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LALLA CHAN
My livejournal is wonderful and also the image of the icon with that kiss me like a meal! How I envy that dog ..!!!!!!!
Now I could understand a little 'coem all works, but I need quite a few' practice and your next clarification !!!!!! From Suzuki
I have not yet received a reply, hopefully for good ... Hello hello and
kon kon! Lara

Monday, February 12, 2007

Birth Art Anime Pregnant

Doctor Jack - 3x07: Not in Portland

Doctor Jack - 3x07: Not in Portland

always question of evidence, the measures are not all equal, but better than that 'I could not do, sorry.

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Ortho Total Kill Insect Killer Spray

Doctor Jack - 3x07: Not in Portland

Doctor Jack - 3x07: Not in Portland

I'm a landslide in graphics, but I had a go with this photo of Jack, he has great expression!