Sunday, December 14, 2008

Piper Aztec Service Manual

Naruro Day 3 by Fiore Stellare *ò*

I am calling the pages of space to tell the facts, events, people, people, and so myucche! (?) XD

BUT WHAT PURR! Ends today with the legendary naruto day 3 * _ * How much love! Let's recap quickly the most salient events of the last 2 days * _ * Ale

invited us to his house to sleep on me, and the viky samu .. much love! Me xD ale thanks for giving us his home and his legendary mattresses * ò *

But let's step back, before arriving at the house of ale! Me and viky dispersed in the station! Trains that autopolverizzavano, machines that thief money (bad putanella a machine tricked us 2 euros! O_O), speakers who say "and remember the train that helps women overcome diseases radioactive "(?!), impaired glucose selling chocolate with a lot of gluten (Sarcastico), rails, crashing into the station, taking off carriages, stations that mysteriously disappear (they razed the station Besana XDDDD) Odd .. how many things! X ° D

But finally we see a light in the darkness! nuooo is the old maniac who hits us on board the coach but finally !!!(?!) comes with the huge wings in his car with his father and mammaaaa (but as someone who is the mother? but samueleeee *__*) Then boh .. dinners, ale brothers who fall in love with me (I have openly declared her love! oh god that picture is?! xD) dogs howling, evenings without borders!

But how much love there was that night? xDDD watching the samurai whose name escapes me that the people affected as butter, is a sponsor of the series 3 perfect miracle balde! And who wants bananas viky (and I'm not kidding! Cuore rosso * ò *)

And our secrets secret! And the more laughter importante della serata: è un brufolo che se la viaggia!!!! hahahahahahahhahahahaauhauahha oddio da avere i lacrimoni!!! XD

L'amore continua, cose strane, eccetera *w* io che cado dai letti, le viky che non respirano, gli ale che hanno istinti omicidi, e tanto altro!

Ma poi arrivò il giorno seguente! (oggi xD) La mattina what time is it? le 7.00! O__O maledetto ale ci hai svegliati! xDDD caro lui <3

Ci si prepara, si fanno cose, si giunge in stazioni cosplayati con sanji che giunge sotto le sembianze di un kankuro-senpai *.* lui è paparino tou-chan!!

Poi si arriva, si vede gente, amori, nacchi, NYU (oh my God how many times have we said myukka today? Hahahahah I'm maleeee) naokine Perosa and TWIN pornoseee (for the six eveeeeer \u0026lt;3) Well

shortening .. BEAUTIFUL * ò * a day with a few of my beautiful figure Emmental with people with whom I could avoid it was better xD

I came second in the race fanart muà ** w! much love with Freij, our legendary duo gossip-moment was a success without boundaries! I love women from unlikely scallops !!(????? Sarcastico)

Well .. I broke enough to write.

D Thanks to all those present and an apology to all those that I did not mention but power of writing is left to be desired * ° * I want pppeneh! \u0026lt;3

by Yam *-*