Friday, September 19, 2008

How To Install A Floor In A Jon Boat

First Post

... well, this is my first Journal

XD I do not have much to say ... I think I'll talk and you tedierĂ² with my obsessions, my problei, my interests ... and much more. Cool, eh? XD I

the venerable age of 21 years, the University and I am a fangirl. going crazy for the yaoi.

bimbaminkia'm a pretty proud: I love Tokio Hotel \u0026lt;3
However I am fully convinced that Bill looks like a beautiful girl and does not bother me to think that the whole group is gay, or at least bsx XD also, I totally agree on the issue twincest . Bill and Tom have a nice, sweet, sexy and exciting report ... wow \u0026lt;3

addition to Tokio Hotel, though, I love sleshare also the most popular anime and telefilms: I like Gibbs / Wedding (NCIS) For example * __ * also, I think anime Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto and Slam Dunk have been designed to satisfy the fandom XD and also the Italian dubbing makes his jokes funny.
An example? Okay, here it is:

start with Beyblade:
Kei / Kai Hiwatari: Luca drum
Yuriy: the voice actor does not concern us here, even though winter is a great \u0026lt;3 that interests us is the relationship between Kei and Yuriy.

... we will now move to another anime always transmitted by an Italy, last year: Marmaid Melody.
Hippo: Luca drum. The penguin, at some point and for a variety of reasons, becomes human and falls in love with a girl.
Yuri: Hippo the girl falls in love.

... and now, the lights fangirling * _ * Yuri
When he goes, 'Hippo, in love with her, a beautiful and clear screams "I LOVE YOU, YURI !!"... and all the fans of Yu / if Kei I remember. Hear the drum, and Kei, yelling at a character named Yuri / Yuriy those words is undoubtedly a good shot.

And with this first presentation, I salute you!



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