Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Best Place To Buy Silver Discs

HBP Trailer

has finally released the trailer along with HP. What can I say. I was excited only in the final piece. Oh, yes: the Quidditch! *-*
And as Harry Worth says if tiiiiira xD

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tia Mowry Without Weave

[heroes] Crying, when you can't (Claire/Peter)

Title: Crying, When You Can not
Author: [info] miyu92
Beta: Kodamy
Characters: Claire Bennet , future Peter.
Prompt: Tears
Rating: PG15
Spoilers: Season 3
Word Count: 138
Notes: Placed in episode 4 of Season 3.
I love it. I loved the prompt already previously, and the genius that proposed, but now, even if it is coming just as I intended, I love my idea. Sometimes it may, since such an event occurs more or less every death of Pope

Find hateful a feeling that one is forced to try almost every day, it's the right thing.

find that irritating feeling damp and clammy cheeks is normal.

wrong to try to find that feeling now is just stupid and childish.

you feel that knot grips the throat, while trying to stifle the sobs that come out and you insist on pushing for the crisis can be described as masochistic.

Would you like to have before you a mirror to peer at your face now flushed and what is your look, watered by those little sins that should not, no, must be paid to him.

Your fingers are contracted against his chest bare and cold, and then your nails are limited to make a mark where you know, probably will begin to punish him as he deserves .

Friday, October 10, 2008

How To Build Commercial Rabbit Cages

Twilight Trailer

The Sere was right, it looks really the exorcist.
Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pokemon Online Omanyt


Oks, the kiss is a passionate picinino. But the series "chissenefrefa?! xDDD

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver

New Layout!

* New * Gorgeous Layout! ♥
Banner & All of this shit by Beautifull [info] herm_weasley
I love you, girl, you know. ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tally Memory Access Violation Error

Quick Update! Consideration of the Russian Language

In the end, my dear, I started with 29 Greek History (that's what I chose teaching as a student by choice!), As it is a matter belonging to the Faculty of Arts ... and those letters start first! Well ... for now, all is well.

I'm glad to have next Sara and all the people who spend time with me .. me or devote even a sincere smile . Because life is made up of many small goals, the good times and less beautiful ... the important thing is to understand each of these moments, grow and improve. This is how we learn to know themselves, to control himself, to believe in themselves. Beloved, if you want to be loved. God, how true ...

Greetings to anyone who passes a moment to think that maybe sometimes you can go out together.
Thanks. For me it is very important.

thanks to those who try to understand my choices without criticism and without getting angry. I need to make mistakes, to correct, to mature. To do that, I need to live with my quiet times and my experiences. Sometimes even on its own. I need to go out, listen to different opinions. Because if I became so is because of everything I've done in my life. And the decisions I made in the past year and a half right, because they make me happy. Why do not hurt nobody . Why can not I do anything wrong, do not hurt anyone. I do not do evil to those who are important to me, who loves me, why do these people know what best for me. And I can do the now to make happy those who love me.

Woo \u0026lt;3