Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Broken Cappilaries On Chest

The one hundred prompt challenge - prompt list

Table Prompts for




Bosco 002 Beach Vineyard oasis in the desert Cave Park Supermarket Ship / Ferry Automobile Grave / Crypt Parking Camerino (a store) Casino Luna Park Cinema Church Tent Elevator Pub Phone Booth Court Spa Morgue


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003 Camerino (of a theater) 004
005 Restaurant 006
007 Creek Ranch 008
009 Library 010
011 Country 012
013 Office 014
015 Train Museum 016
017 door (behind / against) 018
019 Lane 020
021 Canonica 022
023 Classroom / university 024
025 Disco 026
027 Caravan 028
029 Baita 030
031 Bus 032
033 Public Restroom 034
035 036 Air Taxi
037 Ruins 038
039 shore of a lake or a river 040
041 Landing 042
043 Stage (below / above) 044
045 Spaceship 046
047 Abandoned house 048
049 Shipyard 050