Friday, February 12, 2010

Sentinel Usb Dongle Duplicate

Snow * w *

Hello World *-*
in Rome is snowing bad ... and I'm so happy = 3
First, because the snow did not see it hardly ever ... in the 20 years I will have a view voltaXD
Second, why are more than 25 years since it snowed in the capital *-*
Third, it is a dream I had as a child, see the field under my house totally biancoX3
Of course, my wish came true a bit late ... better late than never right? Due to exams I can not even go out for a moment to stay under the snow TT But nothing, it snowed, I did not think it would be an event that never happened I'm too ...*-*
(Of course, now gets bitterly cold, however, TT)


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