Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dark Spotting A Week Before Period

+ banner + list [1] It 's begun! [* M + M * groundwater]

Fandom: Original
Pg: M + M
Prompt: Caves
Warning: PG 13
Notes: Written for the pOrnFest # 4 of [info] fanfic_italia ; first fic of the Bell Challenge, the first fic a lot of time, etc etc first fic. Inspired by my hospital stay and a nurse so kind and helpful - what you're thinking, eh? EH?
A little 'descriptive sex, nothing special, it's just to warm your fingers. Ah, pOrnomani, the festival has begun! (Other than Christmas and Christmas ...)

The thing I liked least was the turn of his work twelve-hour non-stop he had to in the holidays. It could be Christmas, Epiphany, the middle of August, who was promptly relieve him disappears and he could do was make the room the next morning, without rest and without a moment's peace.

20:00. The bell had stopped ringing in the booth, at least for now, and he allowed himself to close his eyes and leaned back in his swivel chair, mentally going over the list of things to do in the next eight hours. With a bit 'of calm would have found the time to do everything and perhaps - but perhaps a lot - could also take the time to smoke.

A thud aroused him abruptly opened his eyes he found on his desk a stack of sealed drugs that Eric, the nurse on duty with him, had delivered. He grinned, pulling up from its convenient location and eyeing the boy with dark scowl.

"You're not going to tell me that ..."

Eric shrugged, raising his hands in defense. The most irritating in that moment was that his eyes betrayed a certain hilarity and she was not even bother to hide it.

"I touch you. I stay here, so only ten minutes to the pharmacy. "

Mark put his hand on the sealed package, lifting it. He raised an eyebrow, almost sadly. He would not surrender without a fight.

"I do not see why I should go. They call here and know that patients and 3 of 8 does not trust you and start to complain if you do not see me. It 's a quarter of an hour up in Pharmacy, we do not put anything to go and return. Also because you are more organized than me and certainly know where to put this stuff and where to get the iron for the drip. "

The other was leaning against the doorway, and he was grinning. Never had the courage to ...

"It is not the time it takes and even to patients. And 'because you have to let it get a foot in the basement that will surely now empty. And you do not like this place already during the day ... "

Marco stood up, gripping the pack with visibly annoyed expression. He could not believe it, he dared to tell him in the face! And to think that a trainee had fallen on the ward for a little over a year, how dare you?

wordlessly passed him, heading toward the elevator. Only last hesitated, feeling recall, however, did not dare turn around.

"I ... I could go for something, eh?"

The thing starts to smell bad and give him really on my nerves. Not only would have to put up double shift in the company of this guy, he should also give something back so as not to get in the damn neon-lit corridors ... It was really a coward, there was nothing to say, the problem is that his mind was seriously considering the exchange, after all, what could ever ask?

Marco turned very slowly, taking into account the high and slender body of the nurse. His hair was shaved and his eyes practically blacks were slightly too large, but on the kind of face were not bad. With the girls had some success and there had been a long time before getting a playboy fame that was accepted without much discussion.

A turn in more favors ... what could have been greater? Certainly nothing too serious, know.

"What do you want in return? You know that I can not quit drugs on the sly or anything like that, or I'm going to help you with one of the newcomers, if that's what you want. "

Eric looked around quickly to make sure that the hall was free from any prying eyes. The patients had finished eating and relatives already if the latest they were gone, so everything was empty and strangely silent.

With a pair of well-measured steps joined him, suddenly raising a hand to his face. Marco instinctively drew back, finishing with their backs to the wall near the elevator. He did not even have time to ask him what he was doing, so Eric took his chin with two fingers and pressed her lips to her with vehemence, never stop looking. Mark did not have time to figure out if what was acceptable or not that the other had already moved away, and the parcel from the hands presogli had called the elevator, infilandocisi in without a word more.

21:00. He finished off the last piece of adhesive paper and applied to the wrist of man lying on the bed before getting up and smile.

"Behold, I cut it after this, ok?"

The man mumbled an assent not too convinced and nodded, looking dejected that he had the cannula in the wrist and inches of gauze adhesive appendages. Marco gave a smile and took another tourniquet, putting it in his pocket before casually exit. Passing the sentry glanced at the clock, noting the time. Checking another patient made a quick calculation of the time that Eric was away, we would have wanted him only a quarter of an hour to go and another to return, not an hour. In addition, he needed help, he could not accept that he had defiladed for what had happened before, it would be unacceptable. Immediately after the kiss were two bells rang at the same time and he had not had the opportunity to think too deeply, thankfully, would never have imagined that Eric could feed some interest, moreover, just arrived had given him to do properly, so Mark had ruled out the possibility a priori. Not denied that it had not thought of, the shifts were often long and weary, and have a beautiful body in front for eight hours straight was not the best way to focus. Eric wondered how he had to be so sure - he had only told a few people and those few were not in his own department. Sure, it was undeniable that he had launched the long glances, but did not believe the other if they had noticed.

shrugged his shoulders, concentrating on their duties and gave up the taste on her lips - a smoky flavor and sugar. Bittersweet and arrogant, as well as the expression that was noted on the face of the owner if you watched long enough.

Marco finished the ride, going to place the cart with clean sheets and syringes in the closet, then go in front of the room charge nurse, without a glimpse of anyone. Was it possible there was putting so much? Now should know the location and, moreover, there was no risk of being lost, as the long underground corridors were all different, and after having taken the right direction ... He shook his head, chasing away those thoughts. Why should he bother? Eric was tall and strong and certainly if you would manage. Soon he would reappear as arrogant in the face with that expression, and the only thing he wanted to do then would beat him.

Hours 22:0 7. The secret was not thinking about it, he said while at a quick pace, turn in the corridor from the orange stripes. Simply had to think about the satisfaction that he would try in the vent and -

- to hear her body pressed against his hard, being forced to touch the cement wall with the cold front for support. It was really satisfying? After all you were doing submit, in addition to that bleak place. The moments before they were wrapped in a mist as we arrived? The only thing that was distinctly felt Eric's hand pressing down the white pants with the heat, pulling off and leaving part of the boxer. The satisfaction was in letting go and moan softly when he felt her hand touch his penis, the index went up from the base to the tip, drawing lines twisted and not fulfilling. Opened her lips to summon to do better, but the only thing that could to elude him was a line of pleasure when the other picked it up and started to caress and squeeze, moving faster and faster up and down.

"... Even more than that." Mark closed his eyes, so you do not see the neon light that was reflected on the white wall. It would still, damn, it was not that difficult to understand. It was becoming an agony, now swollen member would not stand another languid caress, a maybe yes, maybe no . With a gasp and a groan choked the boy raised his the back, finding himself two fingers had penetrated deeply into its opening, had not heard coming, nor had deigned to tell Eric and yet ... it was so rewarding. Start having fun, finally. The language of Eric's neck and then traveled she rise to the lobe, sucking and biting. The voice was hoarse and almost mocking.

"You want more? Tell me, come on. "

Mark bucked against him, tightening her lips in a gesture of denial useless. His body was pushed against the two fingers without any scruples, and his farce was all too visible, but not he repeated the most, he has been admitted once was enough. With a laugh Eric pulled his fingers wet and pulled back his hand from her sex, both resting against the wall and secure it against it. His mouth teased his ear, and could feel the erect member and pressing against a buttock.

"Next ... basically I made you a favor, right?"

Marco was silent, trying to earn a minimum of dignity, but in fact that Eric would have wanted to take him there, now and unceremoniously, making be so violent and almost too sweet. The other sighed, shaking his head resignedly. With a sound that resembled a snarl grabbed his sex in his right hand, making him moan of pain and pleasure at the same time, prior to entering with force, pushing into him without stopping for a moment, completely smashing it against the wall. Mark moaned freely, trying to sustain the pace and pushed the boy, but he finally let go, allowing him to drive the embrace ever more frantic, until she heard him stifle a groan and go, leaning heavily on his back.

Eric's hand had become wet and sticky, thanks to his seed, and Mark stared at her for a moment before sighing and closing his eyes.

23:41 pm. It was raining outside, but did not care. It was started while he was down, and now was the only good time for that holy smoke. He inhaled the smoke, staring at the drops falling on the balcony of the plan. The city was asleep, as many of the patients within the department. In the last room on the far right, a boy was lying on an empty bed, her eyes closed. Eyes a bit ' too large, but attractive nevertheless.

Marco took the last breath, throwing her cigarette on the ground and turning it off under the sole of the shoe. He finished the round by himself, now it is barely seven hours, at least he was sure he had no other distractions that night and definitely should not have to come down in the basement.


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