10. Intoxication Title: Intoxication
Fandom: Pgs
Greek Mythology: Hades / Persephone
Prompt: Trying to escape
Note: ok, understood that hath been raining today and then we write fanfic, so ... For
fanfic_italia and pOrnfest her, as always. A bit 'of good possession, descriptive sex scene, anger, love and everything ahead.
The door opened quietly and I hurried to hide behind the pillar. A couple of spirits, not seeing me, so I drew a deep breath. I crossed the threshold, being careful not to make noise. Now lacked little, I would have to pass by Cerberus, but it's not a tame problem. With all the time down there, I could tell who was fond of me and would not have done too many stories to make me go in and out.
Get out, already. I just returned from two months and already I'd had enough of this dark place. I felt suffocated, wondering just a little 'light and fresh air. In thought did not look where I was going - how stupid! - And found myself inches away from a human body. Human or divine, that is. Solid, in fact. Nothing ectoplasm floating and transparent nothing shrill little voice, cavernous, no complaints from morning to night, and so on. Pity that this divine being is not nothing but Thanatos, trust my dog ... husband.
twisted his mouth in a half smile, hoping to still be able to extricate themselves from that situation.
"Oh, Thanatos! How are we going? You also take a walk to the underworld? "
expression did not change forever heavy man, indeed, seems to increase if possible. The black eyes peered me from head to foot, taking note of dark coat and bag containing ambrosia. The right hand snapped forward, releasing two souls and pushing down towards Charon and its river.
"Yes, we could say yes, my dear. I was planning to go somewhere specifically? "Murmured unstressed, even though I knew that if he was laughing inside, the bastard. I would certainly back down, or at least accompanied everywhere except out was obvious.
Quickly taken into account all the possibilities I had. I could not count on his devotion would not have had for me, for their souls and its dead, but for me? Never - nor on his help, for charity. Ade would not have dared to challenge in a manner so open and simple, however I could not give him anything in return. I decided to pretend, at least I saved appearances.
"Yes, I wanted to visit to Cerberus, was bringing him a bit 'of ambrosia, he goes crazy."
The man shrugged his shoulders, taking my arm without another word and leading to the entrance of that place. I bowed my head, biting his lip frustrated, I would not have opened that door and I would not be output, not today, nor for the next four months.
With a snap of the fingers I let my servants vanished, after she brushed her hair enough. My anger was gradually dissipated, and as always the sense of power that gave me be the wife of the king of the underworld had the upper hand and I found myself smiling, and ordered to ragweed and other unlucky to bring something to eat. My voice seemed sharp enough to intimidate is dematerialized in a hurry without saying anything - not that they spoke, but still. I finished arranging my clothes for the night, providing that I wandered a bit 'around the Styx; often find some kind soul willing to tell his story, was a way as any to spend the darkest hours in there when my husband was out to do is not deal with me.
His attention I did not mind, of course, but the loneliness became unbearable at times. If only I had something to do, here as Queen of the Underworld ... I just to go along with his decisions. Ade trust me now, so it happened that he was leaving for his business and leave me to manage and souls of the servants, the supervision of Charon and Cerberus. The change does not bother me, at least I had something concrete to care, but ... it was so different from what was used to do before I snatched!
Sbuffai, as I took the pomegranate - that damn pomegranate - and bite into it, letting slip a few drops ax on my chin and fell on her dress.
Where is Ade? I wondered, rediscovering even impatient. There were days that I could see the figure, days that would not show up in our rooms, days that his voice does not go anywhere I was, I almost always try and follow.
shook the fruit between your fingers, letting his hands dirty to me nectar, making the skin moist and sticky.
His lips took possession of my hand and felt his tongue licking away the voracious red liquid, sucking the index and ring fingers and then passionately, making me shiver. I yelled surprise, depart without really meaning to, his grip prevented me from removing the hand, and the pleasure in watching his tongue that left my white skin made me blush, instilling a little spark in my loins. His dark eyes were fixed on mine, with an air of challenge and fun. The left hand rose to caress her cheek, while his right hand was holding my hand to his lips that imposed themselves on the back, kissing. He pulled up, facing.
"Did you miss me, my bride?"
His presence filled the room in an instant like a dark cloak. The long curly hair moved with the flames flickered dark, as he approached me, his left hand that picked up the pomegranate juice rimastomi chin. I could not move, could hardly support his view. Not because I was frightened, not that. It was something I could not define good, maybe I was fascinated by him, by the way he treated me. He seemed to have some sort of power to me. It cost me to admit it, but it was so, I knew it. Very basically, my heart beats faster when I felt his presence near me. How now, while his fingers down my neck, stroking.
"Persephone, you miss me?" His voice was low and his eyes blacks were not for a moment deviated from mine. He bowed his face to mine, so I could feel the smell of sulfur and observe his beard was too long. The black eye was black deep well of each and every night without moon and -
"Persephone." His hand on my shoulder I received, just shaking and waking. I shook my head, freeing from that sort of hypnosis - what was I taken? - And looked at him, trying to assume a neutral expression.
"I have not even noticed that you were not here, sir."
The half-smile that gave me made me shudder. He arched an eyebrow, while his hand continued its descent and crept under her dress, touching her breast, stroking and touching my nipple almost rude gestures.
"Really? Thanatos told me that today I found it in turn to higher levels with every appearance of wanting to run away and leave me here. I thought I had stopped thinking about things Typically, now. "
inhaled, looking away and staring at the mirror across the room mat. Mercifully, the picture I sent was that of the thalamus, empty. Be aware that my voice does not betray any emotion, yet he had lit the spark that was growing, especially now that he continued to caress me with insistence.
"I just wanted to visit Cerberus. And 'what is more akin to an animal in here. "I muttered, stifling a small moan to me pulled back her dress, opening her legs with the right and insinuating two fingers to caress a part of me already hotly.
"Cerberus." He murmured in turn, removing both hands from me. Against my will I let out a whimper of protest. I wanted, I wanted it so much that I could pray if only I had asked. Hades smiled slightly, helping me to get up and guiding me to the bed. Without even move meant that my role would disappear, and when I turned I saw that he was naked. I BEAI of that body, olive skin and dark, broad chest and muscular enough, the big, rough hands, the look that had no end or beginning. I BEAI of flames that enveloped him, darting between the fingers and toes and in her hair. I sighed, shaking his head up. I never got rid of him? I would never freed his love? I really could not prevent my growing love for him?
"You were gone by Cerberus." He hissed, and only then I realized that was raging. He pushed me backwards, making me fall on the bed and in his hand appeared a small rod skin. Thin. Carefully made her move in the middle of my breasts, leaving a faint pink mark. I shuddered, and surprised me intimately because I enjoyed the contact. The moment he realized he went over me, wielding the rod so smitten me on one side, without tearing the skin, leaving only a scratch which he superimposed a second and then third. I blocked with my knees, burdened with his weight on my body, without ceasing to stare at me.
"The next time you leave my kingdom you'll look good from going to visit Cerberus or any other animal Thanatos without warning, or whatever my subject. Is that clear? "The blows of the rod had moved, intermittently drawing a line on my thigh and on the other side. My lips were tight and I should leave those, otherwise I would have started to moan with pleasure , and I did not dare think about what could trigger reaction. Without waiting for an answer
Ade parted my legs, enter it without any kindness. Only then allowed me to cry, bows his head back, pushing the pelvis against his aching body, trying to follow the movement. His thrusts became regular and deep-sunk in me as much as possible, lifting her legs and holding it back. The scratched his back, digging her nails into the skin, felt the warmth of her body and flames envelop me, mingling with the heat and I felt that I had issued. With one hand he began to touch me, leaving that bathes me even more. In that moment of lost track myself. I stopped to understand what I was and what was I him and our bodies lost their smooth edges. I let the smell of sulfur enveloping me and the shadows approaching me, whispering in human beings torn and violent deaths. I let the tears ran down my cheeks, without curarmene, while his grip on my waist grew stronger. Experience the pleasure overwhelm me when his pace became more insistent, and I let her go, shouting his name - I shout her name - and falling back exhausted the sheets. Rising above continues to hold me until I heard him groan with a shudder and issue a final blast of heat, before letting go with me.
With my fingers wiped the tears of amber, through his fingertips on my lips. The rod was lying at the foot of the bed, forgotten. I heard him whisper my name, softly, and groped belts. I turned on its side, letting the tears flow to resume. Damn amber. Awareness of the fact that for the next few months I did not want to leave the king of the underworld I was almost unbearable - but it was not necessary he becomes aware, not yet.