Fandom: Original
Pg: m / m
Prompt: chandelier
Notes: written for the pOrnfest # 4, @
"Can you? Come on, is not very high ... "The
held the ladder steady while it rose on tiptoe to get screwed in the bulb - with a nice view of her back, really -, low as it was could have been fall and break something. Muttered an answer without looking down, holding the bulb pressed between his lips and loosening those burned out or broken - or nearly all. Keeping a balance on the last rung of the ladder began to move, so I could drop them in the trash nearby.
"Of course I had to take your old one, eh? Without even a decent bulb, I say. "Indistinct mumbling his was like the annoying buzzing of a fly, so the smorzai with a wave of his hand impatiently.
"Shut up and screwed." I said, passing the new bulbs. It was filmed in half to the hands and leaned - very low, mh-mh - giving me a good overview of the abdominals, not too sculpted, simple and pleasant to touch. Touching, yes, I could actually ...
"Finished?" la sua voce mi era arrivata lontana, e mi ero riscosso.
"No. Dammi un attimo e ti passo le altre." guardandolo avevo sorriso, al ricordo inaspettato di una cosa.
"Che devi fare? Muoviti, voglio scendere da qui. Sai che odio le scale." aveva sbuffato e poi aveva trattenuto il respiro, al che gli avevo malamente tirato giù i pantaloni della tuta ed i boxer in un colpo.
"Non avevi detto tu che volevi farlo sopra al lampadario? MI sembra abbastanza vicino, no? A meno che tu non voglia poggiartici sopra e vedere se regge..."
La sua mano si era impligliata fra i miei capelli, afferrandoli e tirandoli verso up. He smiled, balancing on that step, but without much preamble I bent down between her legs, putting my tongue on him. I heard him mutter something and I made sure to make more firm my grip on the metal ladder on the one hand, and touched it with his other hand. Scostai my lips, only to whisper a warning.
"Stay very still, otherwise we'll kill them both." Not getting the response taken as assent, taking him in opening the lips and mouth, slowly sucking up to the tip. I could laugh, groan hearing, and went back down and let my tongue caress him without even being too kind. Eyes closed, I tasted his reactions and growing excitement, holding my lips around his member forcefully, as if to get a bite. His muffled sighs I arrived, and I could feel the tension of the muscles that kept the body in precarious balance. I enjoyed just bite him now that he had turned hard, and I felt jerked, looking for an outlet that does not exist on the step. I continued to tighten and I saw how bent his head, his features twisting into a grimace of pleasure, I went back to suck, to get to the top of his excitement and bite hard, so much so that I felt his sudden movement and I just had time to let it go and to avoid him, before I fell on him. On the ground on the table, laughed, taking his face in his hands and kissing on the lips pouting.
"I had asked you, I have not done that fulfill your desire!" I cried, before he started to bombard me with fists, finally crashing his wrists and bite his neck, promising a night light off.
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