The worst thing I can ask is: what do I do for you? (Facing this LJ).
E 'that's what I wondered yesterday.
I looked at him, this poor derelict drifting in the seas and LJiniani tadan! Here's the idea!
Given that I will never make a private store (too much, too much stuff! Better my forummino beautiful - and is absolutely no advertising occult. Not at all.), Why not make a fanfiction blog where I tell you stories and anything else of my adventure as a fic-writer (or fan-writer, if you prefer).
So here I am here since yesterday to clear all - except the tables. The tables there are good, right? - And write this new post.
* If you want to do me a favor, for now and for now, do not go over the scoring card lollissima WWF. Thanks! *
Ah, a little final note: each link of fanfiction or original stories back to my forummino beautiful.
And then do not say that I do not advertise, eh!
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