So, I really don't know how to do this. Or what to do with myself, apart from studying, yeah XD
I love you. And that's the
I love you and I'm also supposedly getting over you, which is good. Oh, so good to be free, except when you're not.
I met some wonderful people yesterday night and I'm going to catch up with them tomorrow, before they go back in Friuli ç_ç so I can't wait. But I also am being aware of the fact that, Hell yeah, it's still me and still you. And we're nothing if not friends which is wonderful, because I really appreciate this kind of friendship and the thought of you being so similar to me that it really freaks me out sometimes. It does, believe me.
So, here I am, thinking that I love you, for who you are and for what we can Have together, a beautiful relationship Which I really want to cherish and let grow stronger.
I am smiling to myself, thinking about you while breathing in summer's fresh air.
I do, a thousand times.
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