Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Changing Yahoo Toolbar To Celzius


And here I am finally at my first post here on LJ, which I warn you, I know little use .-.
Anyway, I'm Nicky and I'm 16, I live in Monopoli (yes, just like the game) and ... what else to say ... one of my passions is music, but do not list my groups and / or favorite singers because you might be shocked and you're not my friends vv Poooi, play the piano for 4 years though actually I have my keyboard at home, but when I see one, crazy *-----*
I love doing many other things like reading, writing, drawing, graphics and playing The Sims . Unfortunately there is to say that my stupid computer barely makes it to hold the second, let alone the 3 that after trying once I need to have. When my dad will decide to take the new PC then I will post some photos and history more.
I stop writing because I could dwell too and I would not give the impression of the person who is not talkative xD.

Bye bye!


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