and a couple of days who seemed made of strange qlk drugs!! Sn happy and hyper active!! A friend of mine said ke sn injection of positivity and his mom wants to put forward ...
to Part qst small things, today went to graduate d sn a friend of mine! Aaahhh that fun! Qnd I heard yesterday seemed destroyed, today before the debate looked like a zombie, but once any bounced a Gazelle cm! Launched in qlc his thesis, and n + neanke wanted to hear his teacher / speaker as well as tormentor in the past 2 months! We dressed as a pilot formula 1 cn a girdle of bananas around their waists, we have given to the papyrus and read whenever ke missed a nice sip of wine! Ke qst nice to do things, certainly received nn d! M sn felt satisfied! Just think it's my turn soon ke nn m looks real!
qst things aside, I finished watching Wednesday Tayou no uta... tragedia annunciata sin dal primo epsodio e proprio x qst credevo di nn piangere molto e ricevere bene il colpo... seeeeee!!! Magari!!! É stato bellissimo, forse uno dei + belli ke abbia visto, nn c sn idol della Johnny, almeno nn ke io conosco e i protagonisti sn una ragazza e un ragazzo. M sn già scaricata la canzone ke daa' il titolo al dorama e la devo assolutamente far sentire xkè è proprio bella!! Gkj, qnd c troveremo te la passo!! Approposito qnd c troviamo? Io dovrei venire su a Ve anke x cercare il posto dove dobbiamo laurearci, S.Bernardo. Scegliere un altro posto conosciuto era troppo difficile!!! In + gkj, t devo passare assolutamente Summer snow, se ti piace Domoto Tsuyoshi lo devi vedere a tutti i costi, after seeing that he has become my dorama myth !!!!!
Inches usual m sn dwelt a bit 'too much, I go a bit' to sleep now!
Oh I forgot, you can say Gkj m x full title of the song "kanji kanji no uta" ke qnd eavamo always listened to tokyo? Xkè nn sn never been able to find it. In + cm do I add new images as well as pink or kiss? Cm working?
Hello kon kon!
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