Monday, March 5, 2007

Hemorrhoids During Menstruation Cycle

finally !!!!!

Ahhhhh !!!!!! It's a bit 'of time updating my ke ljournal, qualke days ago but I've got tried at some point I deleted everything .... nn + time, and having a bit cn 'anger in my body, I postponed to another day ... and so I'm back !!!!!!! Nn
I still put my nose in my thesis, comfortable grip on me qnd sn I knew the day of graduation ...^-^ + In Thursday's graduation of a friend of mine and so I'm committed, cn a ' My other friend, the papyrus to write and design a bit 'comedy!
Sunday I did a bike ride cn my dad and my brother ... now, my dad is a cyclist, my brother, a thin stick cm, one cm spuzzolo is fast and I ... I held off for a bit 'of time, then I began to feel pain down where the sun beats nn and at one point my legs were x mutiny! We made about ten miles, if nn nn + and I was so used! Cm if nn sn enough in the evening and went to work who knows xkè + people came than ever! ... mah!

Anyway, apart from QST quinsquiglie in qst gg I finished watching Summer Snow ... It was awesome! Nn so I neanke QNT I cried! Is a dorama cn Tsuyoshi Domoto and Shun Oguri as a kid, it was fun and beautiful to the end ... then the greatest tragedy ... m he was so nice, m was always laughing ... and it went that way ..! In a very poetic ... but sad !!!!!! Who knows but I had already sensed xkè qlcs at first, then the story went as ke was outlined on the horizon, narrow shape of the mountain of my handkerchiefs! Indeed island!
Then in the evening, I watched different films, one was Conan, Oguri Shun cn (nn evil, apart from the scene where he throws a bomb into the air to fly her away las former center with a football ... awesome ... can be understood only after seeing her) to anke qst point I could close everything and go to bed, after all, my mood had returned to normal, but I wanted to watch another film anke: Tokyo Tower, cn ... Jun matsumoto if v happens to have in your hands, watch it nn .. I m addormentndo in qst + see two beautiful children (in addition to Matsu Jun is a most worthy son ke) cn get old ... m well remained a bitter taste in your mouth!
Ahhh!! Meanwhile, when I'm watching Tayou no uta m: cm dorama is nice if you have already anke tones the tragic! but you can never ever be devas ke c qcn of sick or dying !!!!!

Well I'm done for today, m sn dwelt a bit 'too much.


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